Our Services
It is more difficult now than ever to affect change to respond to financial pressures on the sector. Engaging an experienced strategic advisor will help the College Executive and Board to consider the strategic options available to the College to meet the challenges they are experiencing.
Strategic Advice
Working with a Corporation to review and challenge the current position, and work with the College CEO and Executive Team to facilitate the process to undertake a wide range of confidential strategic appraisals including:
Strategic Prospect Appraisals.
Development of an Estate Strategy.
Facility Management analysis, appraisal and digital reporting.
Travel-to-college trends, data analysis and options appraisals.
Sport Academy strategic advice and business planning.
Capital project delivery or disposal services including":
Project Management
Cost Surveying
Planning advice and guidance.
Kevin can an independent ‘critical friend’ to provide an opinion on the strategic options for a College. This would follow a precise analysis of the College and its current activity and will provide a confidential, unbiased view of the options available for consideration in partnerships with a select number of specialist associate consultants, if required.
CEO Mentoring
Providing confidential personal support for new CEO’s / Senior Leaders as they step into their first significant post. This would be in the form of one to one in-person peer support, as well as online help and advice during the first few months of a new appointment.
Interim Executive Leadership
During a College’s transitional period, or during business start-ups, an interim appointment for 3 to 12 months will provide stability for staff and a competent temporary solution to the Board to ensure the institution remains compliant and momentum is not lost until a permanent CEO appointment is made. Most organisations do not have the luxury of time and may risk internal issues without proper leadership
An Interim leader has the unique trait of being an outsider to your organisation unencumbered by your internal politics, nor are they stuck in the ways in which the institution typically operates on a daily basis.
In other words, we can view your operations through fresh eyes. And sometimes, a new perspective is all you need to guide you in the right direction.
However, it is important to emphasise that interim leadership is not simply a stand-in for the role. Interim Leadership from one of the most experienced Principals in the Country will fulfil actual executive responsibilities and perform leadership functions during transitional periods.